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fertilizer requirement中文是什么意思

用"fertilizer requirement"造句"fertilizer requirement"怎么读"fertilizer requirement" in a sentence


  • 肥料需要量
  • 需肥量


  • Fertilizer requirements for plantain in high density arrangements are higher compared with conventional planting
  • Most of us think of ammonia as rather disagree able , but it is less known that fully 80 % of the world ' s fertilizer requirements are met by synthesizing ammonia from natural gas and steam
    我们大多数人认为氨是令人讨厌的,但人们还不太知道,全世界所需肥料中足有80 %是通过天然气和蒸汽合成氨而获得的。
  • The authors have developed a device for measuring the normalized difference vegetation index ( ndvi ) by using four specially designed photoelectric detectors ; the ndvi can reflect the growing information and seasonal nitrogen fertilizer requirement of crops , and offers guidance for rational application of nitrogen fertilization
  • In order to meet the need of modern and sustainable agricultural development , chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer should be paid equal attention , chemical fertilizer should be applied coordinately , which is helpful to meet fertilizer requirement , regulate soil nutrient equilibrium and realize the combination of using soil with the maintenance of soil fertility to acquire high yield , high quality , reduce cost and increase benefit
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